For simple remedies that can be done at home that assist with the healing process, please partake in as many of these healthy practises as possible:

Take probiotic supplements. This is the perfect time to plant “friendly flora” back into the digestive tract. Intake prebiotic and probiotic foods or supplements. In the case of supplements, make sure you read the label; they should be dairy free, require refrigeration, and have NSFM to be able to withstand the digestive process for effectiveness.

● Dry skin brushing. Dry skin brushing helps to stimulate the lymphatic system. Use a natural bristle brush only. Brush on dry skin, always in the direction of the heart chakra. This is very helpful to get the skin breathing and is recommended for the first several days after a colonic.

● Castor oil packs. Buy any castor oil pack or take cold pressed castor oil and flannel. Soak the flannel with a generous amount of castor oil and place over the abdomen. Place a piece of plastic wrap and then a hot water bottle or heating pad over top. This can be done every other day for a week, for 35-45 minutes at a time. This is an Edgar Cayce remedy that has been used for hundreds of years to stimulate the liver, improve digestion, increase lymphatic circulation, and reduce inflammation. It also helps break up fecal matter in the large intestines and promotes peristalsis.

● Drink lemon water. This helps make the body more alkaline. Squeeze a half of an organic lemon with 8 oz of distilled or purified water. Do this daily so long as lemon is not a “trigger food” for any GI tract issues. Remember to increase your water intake daily.

● Take Epsom salt baths often.

● Massage and stretching.

● Try a 1-3 day juice fast. It is very important to give your digestive system a rest and an all juice fast is a perfect way to recharge your system. Drink natural vegetable and fruit juice only for a minimum of 1-3 days. Be sure to check with your general practitioner before embarking on any new cleanse to see if it’s right for you. Alternatives to juice fasting include: intermittent fasting, drinking juice 30 minutes before a meal and adding smoothies into your diet.

● Be gentle with yourself. The body heals itself at its own pace. Don’t rush the process. Take the time to relax and de-stress. Deep breathing and meditation help to de-stress the body.

● Eat smaller, more frequent meals.

● Keep a food journal. Be committed to really looking at your relationship with food. Write down everything you eat for a week. This will not only help with documenting bowel movements and finding any “trigger foods” that may cause upset in the GI tract, but will also help with recognizing any emotions, impulses or urges that may need to be addressed in order to promote digestive care.

● Take the time to read more about colon health and healthy living. Knowledge and awareness are the greatest tools when addressing any lifestyle changes and healthy living. Take advantage of all of the wonderful resources available online, in bookstores and at your local health food store. Professional advice is always recommended when sourcing any information in regards to health.