Q: What is Colonic irrigation?

A: Also known as a “colonic,” “Colon Lavage,” “colonic irrigation,” or “high colonic,” Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, effective method for cleansing the colon of waste material by repeated , gentle flushing with water. The goal of the therapy is to bring about efficient elimination of waste and the restoration of tissue and organ function. An individual assessment and evaluation of symptoms, diet and environmental influences will be taken and recommendations and appropriate therapeutic procedures are discussed.

Q: What is the purpose of having a Colonic?

A: Waste material, especially that which has remained in the colon for some time poses several problems. This material contains toxins which can circulate in the bloodstream making us feel ill, tired or weak. Impacted materials impair the colon’s ability to assimilate minerals and absorb nutrients. A build-up of material on the colon wall can inhibit muscular action causing sluggish bowel movements, constipation and the results of these symptoms.

Q: What is the procedure for the first colonic session?

A: You will be asked certain medical and health related questions to make sure that there are no contraindications for you to receive colonic irrigations. Also, your objective for receiving colon hydrotherapy will be discussed. Any questions or concerns will be answered for you at this time.

You will be instructed to prepare for your colonic and alleviate any bladder or bowel pressure at this time as well. First, an abdominal massage will take place. Instructions will be given as to how to lie on the table while gentle insertion of a device referred to as a speculum will be inserted. That device is attached to a water inlet line and a waste exit line. Gentle filling and flushing the water into and out of the colon is the next process. Waste material can be viewed with a specially designed tilted mirror. Massages will be performed alongside the use of a heating pad to assist in the elimination process. The procedure lasts approximately 45 minutes. When your colonic is completed, the gentle withdrawal of the speculum is performed, and instructions are given to relieve any possible remaining water and waste material through the final visit to the bathroom. After this is done, colon irrigation is complete. We will offer you water and probiotics to promote gut flora balance and you can resume your daily activities.

Q: How do I prepare before a colonic treatment?

A: Consuming plenty of water, fiber and probiotics as part of a healthy diet for a few days prior will encourage release of fecal matter. It is recommended to eat or drink lightly in the 2 hours immediately preceding a session. On the day of your session, try to eat foods that are easily digestible and avoid meat, cheese and dairy.

Q: What can I expect afterwards?

A: Most likely, you will feel great! You probably will feel lighter and enjoy a greater sense of well-being. Someone getting their first colonic is usually pleasantly surprised. Any activity you would do, such as work or exercise is fine to do afterwards. For some, the session may prompt several subsequent bowel movements for the next few hours, but there won’t be any uncontrollable urgency or discomfort. It is also possible you may feel light-headed, chilled, hungry or thirsty for a few minutes following a colonic. This is normal, as the colon has done a lot of work in a short period of time.

Q: Can I eat after having a Colonic?

A: We suggest eating a moderate amount, focusing on easy to digest nourishing foods. Drink plenty of liquids (purified water, herbal teas, broths, fresh juices) Avoid eating raw vegetables straight after the treatment; steamed vegetables and raw fruit are sufficient. Reducing meat consumption, alcohol, caffeine, highly processed foods and sugar intake on the day of the colonic is recommended.

Q: Will one Colonic completely empty the colon?

A: Almost never. Many of us have up to 5 kilos or more of impacted feces in our colons. It will never be completely empty as it is an organ and in continuous use. One colonic will remove some of the stagnant waste in the colon. The second and subsequent colonics will remove more. As more of the old, impacted material is released, the water will enter higher regions of the colon without any obstruction. The objective is not to be an empty colon, but rather a well functioning colon.

Q: Are there any adverse effects?

A: There are no side effects associated with colonics. You may however experience mild symptoms while eliminating toxins from your system during a treatment. Such episodes, if they occur, are brief and easily tolerated. Experiencing pain during a colonic is rare. A professional colon therapist is skilled at putting you at ease minimizing any discomfort.

Q: Will a Colonic give me diarrhea?

A: The most frequent post-colonic experience is to have a slight delay in bowel movements and then a resumption of a somewhat larger, easier to move stool. Sometimes there may be no bowel movements for several days following a colonic. Very infrequently, diarrhea or loose may be experienced.

Q: Will Colonics help the constipation I have suffered from for years?

A: Yes, constipation can almost always be successfully treated with natural, harmless techniques including the use of colonics. Often, because the colon has been sluggish for so long, it has become severely weakened. Along with changes in diet and attitude, the process of colonic hydrotherapy is excellent for cleansing the colon and generating regular bowel movements. 

Q: Will Colonics help clear up my skin?

A: Your skin actually “breathes” and is an important organ for elimination of waste material. Sometimes if the colon, liver or kidneys are functioning poorly, the skin will be required to make up the difference. Surface eruptions on the skin of various sorts may occur due to toxins being released. Cleansing and healing the colon diminishes the burden placed upon the skin as well as on the other organs of elimination; the lungs, liver and kidneys. As elimination is accomplished through its proper channels, the skin will very often clear up.

Q: How often can you have a colonics treatment?

A: It is important to be aware of your objectives when working with a colon therapist. For example, if your objective is to recover from the flu or eliminate a lower backache, very possibly one or two colonics may be all that is needed. However, if you have a life-long habit of constipation, to learn to create multiple daily bowel movements, you may need more than that. This may require, in addition to possible dietary, exercise and attitude changes, a series of colonics over time. Based on your objectives your therapist can discuss a treatment plan with you after your first session.

Q: Can I become dependent on Colonics? Are they habit forming?

A: The colonic is a tool intended to be used to create a clean and healthy colon. A colon therapist who is dedicated to your health will encourage you to set a goal of having a well-functioning colon. Our fulfillment comes from assisting you in healing your colon, not making you dependent upon colonics. Colonic Hydrotherapy helps to soothe and tone the colon. After the colon regains its strength, it works better on its own.

Q: Do Colonics upset the electrolyte balance in our body?

A: Electrolytes are the minerals in the body (mainly sodium and potassium salts) which maintain the proper electrical charge and ph balance (acid and alkaline balance) in the various organs of the body. The majority of material released during a colonic is formed stool that has already had the fluid and electrolytes removed from it. So, the amount lost is minimal and easily replaced by the body from the food and fluid we ingest.

Q: Do Colonics wash out the intestinal flora and valuable nutrients?

A: Our goal is to make the conditions favourable in the colon for good bacteria to grow. Colon Hydrotherapy only uses purified water to hydrate, dissolve and transport solid waste and gas out of the body. By reversing a stagnant colon that’s accumulating waste, we can create a clean environment that allows beneficial bacteria to thrive. Replenishing good bacteria can also be accomplished with oral supplementation.

Q: What’s the difference between colonics and enemas?

A: To put it simply, an enema is like washing your face, whereas a colonic is like taking a shower. An enema has an eight to twelve-inch cleansing depth, a colonic can stretch the entire length of the colon. An enema uses 1-2  quarts of water, a colonic varies from 12-30 gallons.

The basic principle behind enemas and colonics is the same: both are methods used to flush waste from the colon via water introduced into the rectum. Both can be highly effective in stimulating the colon to eliminate putrefactive waste from the body. However, there are notable differences between the two.

During an enema, a quantity of water, usually between a quarter litre to one litre, is taken into the body, where it travels approximately 6 to 8 inches up the colon, is held briefly, and almost immediately expelled. Although this procedure is of a relatively short duration, retaining such a volume of water can be uncomfortable. Also, self-administering requires that the person doing the enema be mindful of all aspects of the procedure as it is carried out, which may make it difficult to feel relaxed.

Colonics tend to be more soothing and thorough, and less inconvenient. The mechanics of colonics involve a large container filled with filtered water which flows into a tube. This tube is attached to a disposable hard plastic instrument called a proctoscope. Once the proctoscope is gently inserted into the rectum, a second tube is attached which carries waste matter and water out of the body and directly into the septic system. Water entering the body travels through the colon and exits into the waste tube in a continuous flow. In this way, water is able to travel the entire length of the colon (approximately 5 to 5 1/2 feet), reaching all the way to the cecum, the farthermost region of the colon where waste matter and parasites typically settle. A membranous flap called the ileocecal valve separates the colon from the small intestine, preventing water from flowing beyond the colon. There is no mess and no odour as the water and waste are completely contained.

This procedure holds several advantages over a simple enema. Because water flows continuously in and out of the body, a much greater quantity of water, between 10 and 50 litres, is flushed through the colon. This allows water to completely permeate the folds of the colon and to saturate the impacted waste throughout the entire length of the colon. Also, water filling the space within the colon exerts a slight pressure against the muscle tissue of the colon wall, stimulating muscle action which provides exercise for the colon, helping to tone and reshape a weakened colon. Another advantage is that the Colon Therapist is responsible for administering the colonic, allowing the person receiving the treatment to remain relaxed and comfortable without concern for the mechanical aspects of the procedure.

Q: How is it different from other cleanses and fasting programs?

A: Whenever you do anything that increases the rate at which toxins are released into the bloodstream, it is essential that you eliminate whatever you can through the colon. If you don’t, you may unnecessarily experience increased discomforts. Instead of being expelled through the body, toxins may merely re-circulate and settle elsewhere in organs, muscles or tissues. Whether you use colonics or some other elimination aid, you must do something daily. A knowledgeable colon therapist can be of great assistance during any cleansing program. You may find it beneficial to schedule a colonic at the beginning of your fast or cleanse and ask the therapist to comment on your plan.

Q: Can you do colonics while on your menstrual cycle?

A: Having a colonic during your period will help relieve any bloating or gas that can sometimes occur when menstruating. However, we will be massaging the belly area during your session, so you may feel some discomfort from pressing in that area. Tampon use is recommended to ensure sheets are surfaces are not contaminated with blood.

Q: Is this something I should speak to my general practitioner about?

A: It is always recommended that you speak to your doctor about any changes when it comes to your health. Doctors learn reactive practice and not proactive practice and therefore may be reluctant to refer people to this service.

Q: What is the youngest age for performing colonic treatments on minors?

A: 16 or older is minimum age; and under 18 we require parent or guardian consent.

Q: What should I be looking for when choosing a Colon Hydrotherapist?

A: Since having a colonic is an intimate experience and is involved with emotional and mental releases as well as physical healing, you will do best working with someone who can develop a good rapport, and in whose environment, you feel safe, comfortable and relaxed. Colon therapy should consist of two parts – cleansing and building. Choosing a therapist who is extremely knowledgeable in this area and is prepared to support and guide their client through the entire program is recommended.